Workshop on Project Management skills

The ExcellMater and TwinPrebioEnz projects have successfully organized the Workshop on Project Management at the FTM, February 7 – 9, 2023.

  • More than 50 attendees were offered the opportunity to prepare in advance project proposal concepts on their research and send them to Prof. Mauro Alini (AO Research Institute Davos) and Prof. Michael Gasik (Aalto University). The Workshop started with the introductory lecture on project hypotheses, aims, objectives, and impacts given by Prof. Alini, after which a lively discussion was carried out on individual project proposals, providing inputs to the authors from the guest professors and the audience. In the afternoon a poster session was organized gathering more than 40 posters, which presented the ExcellMater and TwinPrebioEnz projects, participating institutions and individual research results particularly focusing on early-stage researchers.
  • During the second day, the Workshop continued with the lecture of Prof. Michael Gasik on the reviewing process of project proposals particularly focusing on the reviewer’s point of view followed by detailed description of post-award grant management presented by Patrizia Hongisto (Aalto University).
  • On the third day, the attendees had the opportunity to learn about graphical presentations of project components at the lecture of Luca Meesters (Radboud university medical center) and to work in teams to draw some examples by using commercial software (BioRender).
  • The Workshop ended with a round table discussion on finding best practices for assisting researchers at FTM to successfully compete for national and international research funding. The Dean’s Office of FTM strongly supported the Workshop by participation of Prof. Petar Uskoković, Dean, and Prof. Mirjana Kijevčanin, Vice Dean, in the round table and drawing a strategy for institutional help for the researchers in project proposal writing and project management.