The Chemical Biology and Biocatalysis research group at the department of Biocatalysis, Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry, The Spanish National Research Council conducts research on novel biological catalysis study and design, and their application by sustainable chemical processes in different important areas: Bioremediation, Energy, Fine Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Nanobiomaterials.
Scientific Papers
Palomo, J.M. Synthesis of Regioselective Carbohydrates Building Blocks by Heterogeneous Engineered Biocatalysts. General Chemistry. 2022, 8 (3-4): 220009-220009. Β DOI: 10.21127/yaoyigc20220009.
Prof. Dr. Jose M. Palomo, Head of the group, e-mail:Β
This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe 2021-2027 research and innovation programme under grant agreement ID 101060130