Work packages

The project implementation is divided into 7 work packages (WP):

Strengthening the research management capacity of FTM

The WP1 (Strengthening the research management capacity of FTM) is designed to improve competitiveness of researchers of the FTM in future international calls for project proposals by transfer of project management experience, practices and skills from partner institutions and gaining insight into role of agile administration in efficient project management during pre-award and post-award phase.


Enhancing scientific excellence of the FTM in the field of in vitro analysis of gut and skin microbiota

The WP2 (Enhancing scientific excellence of the FTM in the field of in vitro analysis of gut and skin microbiota) is organized to facilitate transfer of knowledge from Dutch institutions (RadboudUmc and Maastricht University) allowing researchers of FTM to expand their skills and competences for prebiotic evaluation using thoroughly tested models for in vitro analysis of gut and skin microbiota.  WP2 will comprise seminars for transfer of theoretical knowledge on human microbiota analysis and training schools at partner institutions for learning laboratory skills to enable transfer of particular methods and procedures to the FTM.


Enhancing scientific excellence of the FTM in the field of protein engineering

The primary goal of WP3 (Enhancing scientific excellence of the FTM in the field of protein engineering) is to provide researchers of the FTM with skills and competences for exploitation of methods of protein engineering in designing enzymes with improved activity, stability and specificity through trainings and seminars organized by scientists from CSIC in Madrid, Spain. Additionally, cooperation with partner institution will enable FTM’s researchers to extend expertise in structural characterization of prebiotics. Acquired expertise will enable researchers of the FTM to increase productivity of enzymatic processes and to establish correlation between structure and prebiotic activity.


Joint research focused on enzymatic production of prebiotics

The WP4 (Joint research focused on enzymatic production of prebiotics) is designed to intensify cooperation between consortium members through small research projects using the complementary expertise of partners to achieve final goal – development of novel prebiotic products or technologies. Research will be based on ongoing research of FTM team within national project PrIntPrEnzy, which will be improved by analyses on research samples within trainings and experiments opening novel research directions organized during STSEs. Final goal of WP4 is to create sustainable consortium beyond project timeline through preparing joint project proposals for future Horizon calls.


The enhancement of mobility and scientific potential of early career scientists

The WP5 (The enhancement of mobility and scientific potential of early career scientists) is designed to unlock scientific potential of  young scientists (ECRs and ESRs) by facilitating their increased mobility through STSEs, workshops and trainings and learning of novel skills, techniques and knowledge. The multidisciplinarity of project consortium will facilitate expanding of their scientific work to different research avenues and organization of activities within WP5 and international conference will provide young scientists with skill sets in scientific management that will be useful for their future career.


Networking between the consortium and SMEs

The WP6 (Networking between the consortium and SMEs) is designed to create a network around the consortum with academic  and industrial sector, with an idea to create a platform for future collaborative research and innovation projects. It will include networking through regular participation or organization of public events with industrial partners and organization of final event of project – international conference on prebiotics in Belgrade.


Project management and dissemination of results

The WP7 (Project management and dissemination of results) is allocated to overall project management and coordination, dissemination of project results and communication of project goals and results with wider community. It also includes tasks of financial management, risk managements and monitoring of gender aspects.