Twinning for intensified enzymatic processes for production of prebiotic-containing functional food and bioactive cosmetics


What is TwinPrebioEnz?

The goal of “Twinning for intensified enzymatic processes for production of prebiotic containing functional food and bioactive cosmetics – TwinPrebioEnz”, project funded by European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, is to advance the research and innovation capacity of The Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy (FTM) in the area of prebiotics technology by collaboration with leading EU institutions with complementary expertise.

Numerous publications in distinguished scientific journals, innovation projects with industrial partners and scientific project funded by Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia position FTM as one of the leading academic and research institutions in Serbia in the field of prebiotic technology.

TwinPrebioEnz is envisaged as opportunity to advance the research and innovation competences of FTM in this field by adding new expertise, specifically in fields of in vitro analysis of prebiotic activity, protein engineering and structural characterization of prebiotics. In order to achieve these goals, various activities will be organized with our partners (Spanish National Research Council and two Dutch institutions – Maastricht University and Radboud University), including trainings in EU institutions, short-term staff visits, exchange of students and young researchers, seminars and workshops.

TwinPrebioEnz is focused on development of prebiotic technology based on renewable raw materials and use of enzymatic processes, hence wider socio-economic impact is expected by showing advantages of the green transition and implementation of circular economy concepts in the regional economy. At the end of the project timeline, international conference will be organized in Belgrade to increase the visibility of FTM and other members of the project consortium.

Biobased Future Conference 2025


On behalf of the TwinPrebioEnz Project team, with great pleasure, we invite you to participate at “Summer school on enzymatic production of prebiotics and analysis of prebiotic activity”. The summer school will take place from 17th to 20th of September 2024 at Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Belgrade.

Prior registration is required by sending an electronic application to the address with the subject: Application for the summer school.


Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology

for Young Scientists

On behalf of the TwinPrebioEnz Project team, with great pleasure, we invite you to participate at International Conference on Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology for Young Scientists. The conference will take place on 7th and 8th of December 2023 at Golden Tulip Zira Hotel in Belgrade with aim to bring together early career scientist from Europe and beyond and provide them with the opportunity to share their findings, ideas, and experiences within different fields of engineering and biotechnology. We except to foster excellence, creativity lectures, oral and poster presentations and enable sustainable network establishment within the new generation of scientists.


The project is coordinated by the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade (FTM), Serbia, while the international partners are Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain, Maastricht University (UM), the Netherlands and Radboud University Medical Centre (Radboudumc), the Netherlands.

This project has received funding from the Horizon Europe 2021-2027 research and innovation programme under grant agreement ID 101060130