Radboud University Medical Centre (Radboudumc)
Radboud university medical center (Radboudumc) is a university medical center for patient care, research, and education, located in Nijmegen. Radboudumc strives to be at the forefront of shaping the health and healthcare of the future. This is reflected in our mission: “to have a significant impact on health (care)”. It demands that we innovate and reinvigorate through collaboration within our networks and with a focus on the individual person. We mainly concentrate on prevention, meaningful and prudent healthcare, sustainability, artificial intelligence and data-driven systems, the molecular mechanisms of diseases and new treatments, and training the professionals of tomorrow.
Our research structure is simple and effective: our research departments organize our research groups, that operate within one or more of our research programs, under supervision of our research institute. The whole is facilitated by our Radboudumc technology centers, and supported by our external partners and various Radboudumc departments. Our 47 research departments are home to our researchers, who conduct both clinical and non-clinical research. The research institute is a one-stop shop where our researchers can find all information and support. We also set the frameworks for our research, in line with the ambition of Radboudumc. The research institute drives the facilitation of all facets of the research function, focused on every researcher at Radboudumc. From grant support to valorization and innovation. From recruitment and selection to support at every stage of the career. This in such a way that researchers can maximally focus on generating the desired research impact and on the associated personal development.